What is it?

The way we like to communicate impacts on others and not always in a positive way! Through understanding and acknowledging that there really is more than one way to do things we can adapt and improve the way in which we communicate.

The TTI model and profiles help you identify your preferred behavioural styles and preferences and highlights to individuals and teams how best to recognise, understand and value the different ways we communicate – at home, work and play.

A simple, effective yet memorable tool that is based on observing the behaviours around us. In essence it is the language of People watching – something that we all do!

So why use TTI and its colourful language of DISC?

Using the learning from both the model and profiles to create an effective programme that will provide a firm base to create:

  • An organisation that ‘talks the same language’ and appreciates different preferences people have when they deal with problems, people, pace & procedures set by others
  • A workforce who can talk about differences in a non- threatening language
  • Teams who appreciate the strength of celebrating rather than rejecting different work styles
  • Individuals who are more willing & able to adapt their behaviours to promote overall well-being & effectiveness
  • Greater harmony and growth

A variety of profiles for every learning need including:

Team Building Management Development
Career Planning Workplace Motivators
Recruitment & Interviewing Emotional Intelligence
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